Table of Contents

Getting Started


Add the required NuGet packages to your project:

#for domain layer
dotnet add package BytLabs.Domain

#For application layer
dotnet add package BytLabs.Application

# for infrastructure layer
dotnet add package BytLabs.DataAccess
dotnet add package BytLabs.DataAccess.MongoDB
dotnet add package BytLabs.Multitenancy
dotnet add package BytLabs.Observability

Basic Setup

1. Configure CQRS

services.AddCQS(options => {
    options.AddCommandHandler<YourCommand, YourCommandHandler>();
    options.AddQueryHandler<YourQuery, YourQueryHandler>();

2. Configure Multitenancy

services.AddMultitenancy(options => {

3. Set Up MongoDB Database

services.AddMongoDatabase(new MongoDatabaseConfiguration {
    ConnectionString = "your_connection_string",
    DatabaseName = "your_database",
    UseTransactions = true

4. Enable Observability

services.AddObservability(options => {
options.ServiceName = "YourService";
options.Version = "1.0.0";

Example Usage

Creating a Command Handler

public record CreateUserCommand(string Name, string Email) : ICommand<Guid>;

public class CreateUserCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<CreateUserCommand, Guid>
    public async Task<Guid> Handle(CreateUserCommand command, CancellationToken token)
        // Implementation

Working with Repositories

The framework provides a generic repository interface IRepository<TEntity, TKey> for MongoDB operations. Here's how to register and use repositories:

First, register the repository for your entity type:

services.AddMongoRepository<User, Guid>();

Next, inject the repository into your command handler:

public class CreateUserCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<CreateUserCommand, Guid>
    private readonly IRepository<User, Guid> _userRepository;

    public CreateUserCommandHandler(IRepository<User, Guid> userRepository)
        _userRepository = userRepository;


Next Steps

  • Review the API documentation for detailed information about each package
  • Check out the sample projects in the repository
  • Join our community for support and discussions